Starting School

Preparing your child for school

Going to school should be a very enjoyable time for all children (and parents). To help make the move from kindergarten to school a much easier and smoother task, the following thoughts and ideas have been written and prepared by Kindergarten and Foundation teachers.

Physical Development

It will be extremely beneficial to your child if he/she:-

  • is able to independently toilet him/herself and wash his/her hands
  • can remove and put on outer clothing and ‘do up’ shoes
  • is aware when his/her nose needs wiping and is able to use a tissue or handkerchief
  • knows the importance of covering his/her mouth when coughing or sneezing by coughing into his/her elbow.

Social Development

 It will be beneficial to your child if he/she:-

  • Can relate to other children when playing eg. To ask nicely, not to hit, grab or be ‘bossy’
  • Is able to share with others eg. Take turns, share materials and co-operate
  • Is becoming independent of adults—will try to have a go to complete task before seeking assistance

Intellectual Development

 Your child learns by listening and doing, hence the opportunity to  provide a variety of inside and outside experiences like gardening, shopping, picnics, fishing, bushwalking, trips to the zoo, beach and local park is beneficial.

Play is a vital aspect of ‘growing up’. Through interaction with adults and children the development of language and maths skills/concepts can be assisted.


Talk about the differences between ‘playtime’ and ‘lunchtime’. When school has commenced, show your child each morning what food you have packed and when you expect it to be eaten.  Make sure that your child can open the lunchbox and that each ‘meal’ is easily unwrapped. Drink bottles should also be easy to open. (‘Practice lunches’ at home, before school actually starts, would be a very good idea). Please ensure your child has enough food for the day and extra healthy snacks. Please note that 'fruit and story' time is a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables. Please no custards or dairy products at this time.

Talk about how long the school day will be in terms your child can understand. An example could be “It is like kinder, but then you have lunch, then after that, a play and perhaps some stories.  Then I will come and get you.”

Practise with your child what to say when he/she is asked his/her name and surname.

Talk with your child. Expand his/her knowledge and be patient answering those multitude of questions.

Once school starts, make sure your child understands where you will meet him/her.  It is very important if your child is to feel secure, to be picked up on time.

Children need lots of experiences.  Give your child opportunities to use pencils, crayons, paint, scissors, glue sticks and so on. Let your child play with water, sand and dough. Children enjoy making their own pictures using magazine cut outs, cards and coloured paper

Draw your child’s attention to letters and numbers on signs, advertisements, writing on packets etc. Tell them what is written. 

Acknowledge when your child shares, take turns, listens carefully, co operates and helps others.

Share lots of books.  Talk about the pictures, talk about the story and ask, “What do you think will happen next?” “Why do you think they did that?”