Whole-School Approach to Positive Behaviour Support

St Laurence O’Toole Primary School and our community work collaboratively using a Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Support where we plan, evaluate, assess, review and adjust existing practices in support of engagement and success to continually build our school climate. We believe in the evidence-based link between student engagement, behaviour and academic achievement.

The characteristics of a whole school positive behaviour approach include prevention, instruction, use of evidence-based practices and utilising data for decision-making.

The principles underpinning the positive behaviour approach promote high expectations for all students in catholic schools through the understanding that:

  • All students receive high-quality, scientifically based instruction adjusted to meet diverse student capabilities.
  • Our priority focus is 100% of students, 100% of the time – where student learning, and social and emotional needs are central to all planning, decision-making and action
  • Expert teacher practice is critical to student learning success
  • Well-being and child safety is paramount
  • Parent, student, teacher partnerships are vital to support the wellbeing of our students.

School Wide Expectations

At St Laurence O’Toole, we believe in ensuring our school and community is safe, respectful and inclusive. Our School Wide Expectations are essential in shaping our school community with the values we embed into our everyday practices – through Love In Action. These expectations are Acting Responsibly, Being Respectful and Caring for Others.